Making lifestyle changes during treatment for substance use disorder (SUD) requires dedication. People in recovery must find things to keep them motivated and moving forward in their healing journey. Studies have shown that “[m]otivation is a critical element of behavior change that predicts client abstinence and reductions in substance use.” West Coast Recovery Centers uses evidence-based and alternative holistic therapies to motivate clients. The care team uses reward incentives and other forms of support to help clients engage in healthier behaviors.
What Are Reward Incentives?
Various treatment modalities use reward incentives to help clients maintain abstinence and remain accountable for their recovery. Contingency management (CM) is one of the most common therapeutic methods that utilizes reward incentives to facilitate healthy behavioral changes. According to The Psychiatrist, “Contingency management is a highly effective treatment for substance use and related disorders [. . .]. These interventions have been widely tested and evaluated in the context of substance misuse treatment, and they most often involve provision of monetary-based reinforcers for submission of drug-negative urine specimens.”
Reward incentives can also include:
- Desired activities, events, or experiences (e.g., going to a movie or spending time with friends)
- Objects
- Privileges (e.g., using a phone or other smart device)
Everyone has things they look forward to, including spending time with friends, playing games, or going on fun outings. Rewarding people with what they find most motivating in exchange for behavioral changes may improve treatment outcomes.
How Does Substance Abuse Affect People’s Response to Reward Incentives?
Euphoria and other pleasurable side effects of substance abuse activate the reward system in the brain. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), “The basal ganglia, which play an important role in positive forms of motivation, including the pleasurable effects of healthy activities like eating, socializing, and sex, and are also involved in the formation of habits and routines.” Incentives have an impact on the reward system of the brain. Some people might find it helpful to reinforce positive behaviors through reward incentives.
Other areas of the brain impacted by pleasurable experiences include:
- Orbitofrontal cortex
- Nucleus accumbens (NAcc)
- Ventral tegmental area (VTA)
People recovering from SUD benefit from understanding how substance abuse impacts thoughts and behaviors. By learning to take advantage of the brain’s natural response to pleasurable activities, people can use reward incentives and other tools to regain control of their lives. West Coast Recovery Centers educates clients and their loved ones on the potential benefits of using rewards to guide behavioral changes.
Contingency Management Helps People Build Healthy Routines
Treatment programs use contingency management and other evidence-based therapies to help clients build healthy routines that support long-term sobriety. According to the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), “Receiving incentives for reducing substance use or engaging in SUD treatment can help people become more aware and self-accountable regarding their substance use, further supporting their recovery.” Clinicians tailor rewards to the client’s preferences. Family members, close friends, or care team members can provide incentives if clients achieve specific recovery goals.
Specific therapies, including CM, provide an extra layer of accountability, support, and motivation for individuals in treatment. In addition to receiving rewards for positive behaviors, people who participate in contingency management therapy may also have desired objects or activities withheld if they fail to meet a goal. For example, clients who miss several consecutive therapy sessions may no longer have access to certain community events or activities. The reinforcement of positive behaviors helps people make more consistent, healthier choices.
Reward Incentives at West Coast Recovery Centers
West Coast Recovery Centers tailors therapy and treatment plans to meet each client’s unique needs. Some people only respond positively to reward incentives. The clinical team can incorporate incentives into the treatment plan to ensure clients have access to effective levels of support and accountability.
Reward incentives can be provided to clients for doing the following:
- Participating in drug screenings or testing
- Practicing self-care
- Remaining abstinent from drugs or alcohol
- Engaging with peers and the care team
- Taking an active role in treatment planning
- Building skills to manage SUD
Everyone has different motivations. Reward incentives harness a person’s desires and connect them to positive behaviors. Retraining the brain using healthy behaviors and routines can reduce the risk of relapse for some individuals.
Helping Clients Build the Foundation for a Sober Future
Reward incentives help clients build a solid foundation for a healthier future by allowing them to focus their time and energy on reinforcing positive thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Clinicians use contingency management and other therapeutic modalities to guide clients through developing healthy lifestyle changes. By taking advantage of reward incentives and other motivational tools, people learn to thrive in recovery.
Some clients do not find reward incentives helpful and may respond better to other forms of motivation. Clinicians at West Coast Recovery Centers use comprehensive assessments and screening tools to determine the best treatment approach for each client. A combination of techniques is often utilized to provide a personalized treatment experience.
Reward incentives motivate people recovering from substance use disorder who may find it more difficult to make lifestyle or behavioral changes on their own. Incentives can be anything the person wants. However, generally, rewards consist of money, vouchers, items, or experiences. Chronic substance abuse can affect the reward centers of the brain and make it more difficult for some people to feel motivated to meet specific goals. Reward incentives help bridge that gap and retrain the brain. West Coast Recovery Centers uses reward incentives when appropriate to help clients achieve recovery or personal goals. To learn more about our programs and how we can help you heal from substance abuse, call our office today at (760) 492-6509.