Individuals recovering from substance use disorder (SUD) go through a healing journey that may include unexpected challenges. Everyone in treatment encounters setbacks impacting their ability to maintain sobriety. Studies have shown that “[s]etbacks, particularly with maintenance of substance use behavior change, often occurs between 3 and 6 months after treatment.” West Coast Recovery Centers prepares clients to face setbacks in recovery. Treatment programs ensure clients have the skills and resources to continue moving forward if they encounter stressful or unanticipated situations.
Common Setbacks in Recovery
Everyone encounters unexpected situations that may cause them to feel uncertain about their ability to stay sober and avoid backsliding into maladaptive routines or habits. Finding healthy ways to address these setbacks is one of the primary focuses of relapse prevention and therapy.
Some of the most common setbacks people encounter in recovery include:
- Relationship conflict
- Loss of friendships
- Emotional or physical relapse
- Difficulty changing behaviors and routines
- Problems engaging with treatment or therapy
Everyone responds to life stressors in different ways. Often, multiple minor stressors build up over time and cause significant setbacks. The cumulative effects can cause considerable emotional distress. Clients in treatment create personalized treatment plans to ensure they meet recovery goals and avoid relapse or other setbacks. According to the Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine, “The goal of treatment is to help individuals recognize the early stages [of relapse], in which the chances of success are greatest.” West Coast Recovery Centers uses evidence-based and alternative holistic therapies to provide clients with skill development and relapse prevention education.
4 Ways to Manage Setbacks in Recovery
Clients in treatment or aftercare benefit from learning coping skills for managing high levels of stress during unexpected situations. Knowing how to navigate stressors improves resilience and prepares clients to manage challenges. Below are four common setbacks and how people in recovery can address them.
#1. Relapse and Recovering From Relapse
Many people in treatment for substance abuse experience relapse. Studies have shown that “[i]ndividuals recovering from various forms of addiction frequently encounter relapses.” Some reports indicate approximately 40 to 60% of people diagnosed with SUD experience relapse at some point in their recovery. Relapse prevention education and services provide individuals with the tools to avoid or recover from relapse. Individuals in treatment benefit from increasing mindfulness, self-awareness, and self-confidence. Being mindful of relapse triggers, self-aware enough to recognize when to reach out for help, and confident in their ability to manage their sobriety allows people to avoid relapse.
#2. Relationship Changes or Conflict
Many people in recovery experience significant changes in their relationships. If loved ones continue to abuse substances or enable maladaptive behaviors, people may struggle to maintain treatment. Some loved ones may encourage clients to leave treatment early to return home. Conflict may also arise if individuals have different expectations for treatment.
Family therapy is an excellent tool for managing relationship conflict and improving communication between loved ones. Self-help groups for the family and friends of individuals in recovery may also help people better understand the need for professional treatment. Utilizing therapy and other support services to address relationship issues can ensure that clients continue healing.
#3. Difficulty Making Behavioral Changes May Cause Setbacks in Recovery
Some people may find it harder to maintain positive behavioral changes during treatment and continuing care. For example, some individuals may struggle to maintain self-care routines or healthy lifestyle changes. Falling back into old patterns of behavior may cause people to feel depressed, anxious, or overwhelmed, increasing their risk of relapse.
Some examples of behaviors people find difficult to maintain include:
- Healthy eating
- Staying active and exercising regularly
- Avoiding people or places associated with alcohol and substance abuse
- Maintaining positivity
Behavioral changes are not easy and require time. Individuals in recovery must find ways to motivate themselves to create new routines that support healthy behaviors. West Coast Recovery Centers encourages clients to practice self-forgiveness and nonjudgmental acceptance of their circumstances if they encounter setbacks. Support groups, individual therapy, and incentive rewards make it easier for people to move forward after experiencing a setback in behavior modification.
#4. Difficulty Engaging in Therapy
Psychotherapy and other therapeutic modalities are a cornerstone of addiction recovery for most treatment programs. Therapy provides emotional support and allows people to process trauma or other issues related to addictive behaviors. Some people find it difficult to engage in treatment. Self-reflection and mindfulness-based exercises are an excellent way to become more comfortable opening up to clinicians and peers during individual or group therapy. More self-aware individuals understand the benefits of actively engaging in therapy.
How West Coast Recovery Centers Prepares Clients for Long-Term Sobriety
The care team at West Coast Recovery Centers prepares clients for long-term sobriety by ensuring they have the resources, tools, and skills to manage everyday stressors and unexpected setbacks. Some of the services clients can take advantage of include:
- Individual and group therapy
- Support groups
- Community events and activities
- Relapse prevention education
- Aftercare planning
Clinicians ensure clients and their families have the information and resources to make healthy changes to support a sober future. West Coast Recovery Centers also offers alumni services to ensure clients and their loved ones always know where to turn if they encounter a setback or crisis during continuing care.
Everyone experiences ups and downs in their lives. Individuals diagnosed with substance use disorder may have a more difficult time managing high levels of stress caused by unexpected situations. Knowing about common setbacks in treatment and ongoing recovery can ensure individuals feel prepared to overcome them. Developing healthy coping skills and behaviors helps clients in treatment successfully maintain sobriety after they complete treatment. West Coast Recovery Centers ensures clients know what resources and tools to use if they encounter setbacks or challenges in recovery. The care team encourages clients to take advantage of therapy and other services to build resilience and self-confidence. To learn more about our programs and services, call us today at (760) 492-6509.