Cocaine Addiction Treatment Center in San Diego, California
Cocaine is a powerful stimulant and one of the most frequently abused drugs in the U.S. today. Cocaine is derived from the coca plant and was originally developed as a substance to reduce pain. As a street drug, cocaine typically comes in powdered form that is snorted or dissolved in water and injected. Both methods offer a rapid introduction into the bloodstream, with cocaine highs lasting anywhere from five to 30 minutes. Because the highs are relatively short, users often take cocaine in a binge pattern, which can easily lead to tolerance of the substance and addiction.
Addiction Signs
Cocaine is also a highly addictive drug, making it very dangerous from even the first time using. There are a number of signs that you or someone you love is addicted to cocaine:
Intense paranoia or mood swings
Weight loss and malnutrition
Runny nose, nosebleeds or white powder traces around the nose
Needle marks on the arms or legs (if the drug is injected)
Continued use even if it is causing personal or professional problems
Need for higher doses of the drug to get the same effect
Withdrawal symptoms after the effects of the drug wear off
Treatment Center for Cocaine Addiction
Cocaine is a powerfully addictive substance that is even more dangerous when it is combined with other drugs. If you are struggling with a cocaine addiction, the staff at West Coast Recovery can help. We offer treatment programs to help you overcome your addiction and discover a new life of productivity and sobriety. To learn more about our treatment programs, contact West Coast Recovery Centers at (760) 492-6385.
We work with most major insurance companies on an in-network basis.