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Getting Into Recovery for Yourself

You can make a change in your life or your behavior, but the motivation for this change must come from within. When you make changes based on your desire to change, they are more likely to stick. This is because you have an active desire to maintain these changes and work through the difficult self-work. While it is important to have supportive and encouraging people around you when you are getting sober, you must get into recovery for yourself. This inner desire should help to form an inner strength as you work through recovery. West Coast Recovery Centers offers the skills and therapies that you need to help grow this inner strength. These treatments give you the coping skills and self-work to make changes that stick.

It is important to develop your self-confidence and self-love in treatment. These things will be your motivation as you move through treatment. Everyone struggles at times with giving themselves compassion, but it is an integral skill to develop to give yourself grace. This value of self-love will move you through therapy as you work to keep yourself healthy and clean. We offer the therapies and treatments that will help to develop and grow this within you. You deserve to be healthy and happy, and when you choose recovery for yourself, it is in your grasp. 

Addiction Recovery for Yourself Over Others

According to Drug and Alcohol Dependence, without the self-volition to change, relapse is likely in addiction recovery. When people don't have the inner strength and necessary tools, they are more likely to rationalize a slow slide back into addiction or do less to stop it from happening. This is because when you are working on avoiding triggers and staying clean, you need to rely on your inner strength to get through. If you don't have the volition to avoid your triggers and take the more difficult path, you may be at risk of relapse once you get clean. 

It is important to have an inner desire for change. This can come from the belief that you are worth more than struggling and hurting. Additionally, this change should come from your choice to make a difference in your life. External sources may encourage change, but until the desire comes from within, they may not stick. 

You can change your ways and get clean for someone else, or because of external pressure. In the long term, these changes are not as likely to stick. True change comes from an inner desire to make a positive difference in your life. Other people may ebb and flow through your life, but your inner strength will always be there for you to rely on. While people can support you and encourage you, if you do not have the desire to listen to therapy and do the hard work, you are more likely to fall back into old habits. 

Therapy and Recovery for Yourself

We offer many different forms of care in our facility. The various forms of treatment offered at West Coast Recovery Centers allow us to give every person the ability to gain the skills that they need. We offer both traditional and holistic treatment options to our clients. These treatments include things like cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), group therapy, and educational programs. They also may include meditation and mindfulness, yoga, and creative therapeutic expression.

These programs rely on teaching the coping skills that will get you through the hard parts of recovery. Treatment encourages you to look inside and make large-scale changes in your behavior and your thoughts. These changes are guided by trained professionals who work alongside you through the tough work. These therapies and treatments encourage you to grow your inner strengths and confidence, which leads to a better sense of self-love. 

Inner Confidence and Self-Love in Recovery

Self-esteem has a meaningful role in someone's tendency to use substances. Research shows that having a higher self-esteem means that you can make the changes that you need to stay healthy. You can draw on the strength you derive from within yourself when things get hard. A high self-esteem grows your confidence and sense of compassion for yourself. These skills are integral to caring for yourself and making a large personal difference.

When you have self-love, you are more likely to fight for yourself and the life you deserve. As your self-esteem grows, you will want to make changes that make you into a healthier person. These changes will be maintained even when you reach rough patches in your recovery. The change to a healthier lifestyle comes from a desire to care for yourself and make yourself the healthiest that you can be. 

While these skills come from within, they can be developed with therapeutic interventions as well. Therapy allows you to grow your inner strength. It also allows you to grow your self-love, and make the changes you need for yourself. 

The changes that come from treatment will stick when they come from volition to make a difference in your life. Inner strength will help you to make the changes you need to get healthy. While other people can encourage and uplift you throughout recovery, the desire to change must come from within. With the strength that you have within you, you can choose to maintain a healthy lifestyle. You can rely on yourself and your motivation when things get rough to make the healthiest choices. If you are interested in learning more about inner strength and the desire to change, call West Coast Recovery Centers today at (760) 492-6509.

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