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How West Coast Provides a Safe Space for Members of the LGBTQIA+ Community

Recovery facilities and the recovery process can be difficult for most people. For the LGBTQIA+ community, there can be additional questions and concerns.

Who Benefits From Recovery?

Regardless of a person's past trauma or personal orientation, recovery is vital to those attempting to recover from substance abuse or mental health issues. Therefore, recovery centers are not only willing to listen and understand their individual situations but also attempt to accommodate as much as possible.

Many conditions can bring a person to a recovery center. These include but are not limited to the following:

In some cases, these conditions exist in tandem and must therefore be treated as such. However, regardless of the condition, West Coast Recovery Centers is prepared to assist anyone ready to address their issues. The only factor is a willingness to face one's truths and accept the assistance West Coast Recovery Centers provides.

What Special Issues Does the LGBTQIA+ Community Face?

Individuals in the LGBTQIA+ community continue to face obstacles, regardless of any added mental health or substance use issues. Some have turned to substance use as a means of self-medicating and coping with how they have been treated. Often, they face societal discrimination in an ongoing struggle for equality.

For many, the idea of turning to the family may be a non-starter. They have been ostracized by those that are often our first line of social defense. This can lead to further trust issues that may affect how they utilize or seek care later in life.

Others face discrimination by organizations, including some recovery centers. That is why it is essential that when a member of the LGBTQIA+ community finds the will to enter a program, the program is accepting and understanding of their particular concerns.

Can the LGBTQIA+ Community Feel Safe at West Coast Recovery Centers?

West Coast Recovery Centers is well aware of the many issues faced by this marginalized community. However, we are also aware that each person, regardless of community, has their own specific individual concerns.

During their time at West Coast Recovery Centers, individuals will be in a safe space, surrounded by caring staff members. They are treated equally and in a way that addresses how they identify themselves. When individuals take part in their first evaluation, a member of staff will sit and discuss all questions and concerns. The recovery process should not be a secret to those who choose to enter. Therefore, the staff member will provide all of the requested information.

The goal of recovery is to make sure that everyone feels they are in a safe environment. At West Coast Recovery Centers, the LGBTQIA+ community requires an added level of encouragement and assurance. Some faith-based recovery centers may either deny certain people or attempt to put the blame for issues on a person's identity.

West Coast Recovery Centers is not that type of program. In fact, it could not be further from it. Unfortunately, substance use and mental health issues affect all types of people from different backgrounds. West Coast Recovery Centers lives by this credo, and our caring staff is trained in this thought process and methodology.

The Goals of a Safe Space at West Coast Recovery Centers

At West Coast Recovery Centers, the term “safe space” is not just lip service. People cannot enter the recovery process if they feel threatened by staff or fellow clients. They must also know that they are, first and foremost, accepted for who they are. Once this has been established, clients are on an equal playing field and can interact about what connects them instead of what sets them apart from each other.

This is not to say that a person's identity is erased in a safe space. In fact, when a person finds themselves discussing trauma and their past, they and their medical professionals will be unable to ignore the LGBTQIA+ connections. Whether it was/is a fear of personal exposure, how they have been or are treated, or the general fears in a society that continues to marginalize them.

These issues all play into a person's story and, in the end, their identity. Often, a person's self-worth and self-respect have deteriorated as their substance use has grown. This can be even more of an issue for a community, such as those who identify as LGBTQIA+ and who already feel heavily criticized. West Coast Recovery Centers will make sure that these considerations are taken into account throughout the entire recovery process.

In the end, everyone can feel safe and welcome at West Coast Recovery Centers. Whether an individual is looking for help or loved ones are looking for assistance, the program is designed to help. It is a matter of love, respect, and the knowledge that everyone deserves to live a safe life surrounded by respect.

West Coast Recovery Centers is committed to each client that takes part in our programs. This means understanding and catering to their personal and individual identities. For members of the LGBTQIA+ community, there is an added level of care as their marginalized status may leave them ignored or rejected. At West Coast Recovery Centers, a person's identity is only as important as they want it to be. Each individual comes with their own story, and this means that we can cater to each person's specific needs. Those in the LGBTQIA+ community are looking for assistance in a safe and helpful environment. At West Coast Recovery Centers, we provide this environment while priding ourselves on our inclusive programs. Call (760) 492-6509.

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