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The Value of Having Both Traditional and Holistic Healing Options

Approaching treatment can feel overwhelming. Our clients may not know how to maintain sobriety and not know what the best treatment options are for them. It is important to find a treatment facility that offers different healing options. Traditional and holistic healing encompasses two different modes of treatment. Treatment considered traditional may consist of therapeutic and medical interventions, whereas holistic treatment includes spiritual care options. Moreover, we at West Coast Recovery Centers offer both forms of treatment to our clients.

Having both traditional and holistic healing options allows us to make changes in every area of our client’s lives. When getting treatment, it is important to do the treatment plans that will best help our clients. Having both forms of treatment offered allows us to be a more complete treatment facility. It also allows us to better understand our clients and offer something for everyone. 

Traditional and Holistic Healing: What Are They?

Stereotypically traditional healing consists of therapeutic and medical interventions. This can consist of things like medication management if necessary. It can also include different therapeutic classes and programs. These medical interventions can help to make long-term differences and help to manage the physical and mental aspects of addiction recovery. 

Holistic healing consists of things like yoga, breathwork, and things that have to do with the spiritual needs of our clients. These forms of treatment allow us to make an internal change in our clients, which affects their behaviors. Holistic healing is approaching treatment from a spiritual and non-clinical lens. This form of treatment can be helpful alongside traditional healing and make a large difference in the lives of our clients. 

The goal of all forms of treatment is to achieve recovery. Recovery is a process that involves making changes to better your life and your health. These changes should give our clients the inner strength and confidence to get and stay sober. The way to achieve recovery can be slightly different for every client, which is why we offer a diverse number of treatments and programs to meet every need. 

Different Forms of Treatment

At West Coast Recovery Centers, we offer many forms of treatment to our clients. Our programs can be varied to the needs of each person who stays with us. This means that we can offer whatever is best to our clients to make changes that will last a lifetime. Some of our programs include:

  • Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) and other individual psychotherapies: These traditional treatments allow our clients to take a deep dive into their symptoms and the reasons they turn to substances in the first place. 
  • Group therapy: This form of treatment is a hallmark of traditional addiction treatment. It allows our clients to make connections and form a community, helping heal one another. 
  • Yoga and mindfulness: The holistic practice of yoga is good not just for your body, but your mind as well. It has been shown to lower levels of depression and anxiety in studies. Mindfulness, the practice of being present and aware of your thoughts and feelings, allows you to find inner peace.
  • Creative expression: This holistic treatment approach combines traditional therapy with creativity and self-expression. Treatments like art therapy and music therapy allow our clients to find a way to express themselves that feels safe and accessible.

These are just some of the treatment types that we offer to our clients who stay with us. The various forms of treatment aim to approach every area of our client to make large inner changes. Traditional and holistic healing are both required to maintain recovery. 

Traditional and Holistic Treatment for Full Recovery

As the U.S. Department Of Veterans Affairs (VA) states, “Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) practices can improve chances of recovery from substance use disorders (SUDs), especially when used in addition to traditional SUD treatments and mutual self-help groups.” Together, traditional and holistic programming raises the chance of long-term recovery and helps to mitigate the risk of relapse. 

Offering both traditional treatment measures as well as holistic allows us to offer an all-encompassing program. This program is aimed to give our clients the best chances at long-term recovery. We want to make changes in their physical and mental health, which will give them the strength they need to keep themselves in recovery when they leave us. 

When choosing a treatment facility and program, it is important to make sure that there are plenty of forms of treatment approaches and modalities offered. If a treatment facility treats only from a clinical approach, they miss important inner changes that help clients to open up in treatment. Meanwhile, when a treatment program only approaches addiction recovery holistically, it may not be able to provide the kind of help certain people need to achieve long-lasting sobriety. Finding a healthy balance of both will allow you to find the best treatment for you.

Finding a treatment that works for you is important for a successful recovery process. Having both traditional and holistic treatment options allows us to cater to every part of our clients. We can provide treatment that affects the body and the mind. Using things such as therapeutic intervention alongside things such as yoga, creative expression, or mindfulness, allows our program and work together to address underlying factors. Holistic approaches help us reach who we are inside, while traditional and clinical approaches help us get through the difficulties of addiction. If you are interested in learning more about the different forms of treatment that we can offer, we can help. Call West Coast Recovery Centers today at (760) 492-6509.

We work with most major insurance companies on an in-network basis.