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Creating a Blueprint for Sobriety

Everyone has different goals during treatment for substance use disorder (SUD). According to the Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, "Recovery from addiction, a chronic, relapse-prone disorder, is a lifelong dynamic process . . . What little is known about the natural history of addiction and recovery indicates that the recovery experience changes substantively over time and makes changing demands on the individual." West Coast Recovery Centers teaches clients the benefits of creating a blueprint for sobriety by focusing on their needs, preferences, and potential challenges they may encounter during continuing care.

Client-Clinician Collaboration Is Essential When Creating a Blueprint for Recovery

Creating an aftercare plan and preparing for long-term sobriety takes collaboration between clients and the care team. In other words, creating a blueprint for recovery involves anticipating potential issues and coming up with creative solutions in advance. Many factors impact the effectiveness of aftercare. Below is some of the information clients can share with their care team during aftercare planning to ensure a smooth transition out of treatment. 

Family Dynamics

Understanding family dynamics is an integral part of aftercare planning. Close relationships, including family dynamics and friend groups, profoundly affect how people reintegrate into society after completing rehabilitation. According to Substance Use Disorder Treatment and Family Therapy published by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), "Use of alcohol and drugs can influence family dynamics, communication styles, patterns of conflict, and cohesion (degree of closeness with one another), among other effects." In addition," [F]amily types can influence how families experience and attempt to cope with substance misuse" during and after treatment. 

Substance abuse and recovery impact family dynamics in multiple ways. How people respond to treatment will depend on their relationship with loved ones. Clients with nurturing family connections often have better outcomes compared to clients without social support at home. The care team helps clients prepare to manage stressors by determining if they need additional support at home after completing treatment. Families sometimes benefit from participating in therapy or self-help groups together during aftercare. 

Home Environment

After completing treatment at West Coast Recovery Centers, clients must continue to develop healthy routines and make essential lifestyle changes to maintain sobriety. The home environment plays a crucial role in helping people stay sober. A stressful home will increase the risk of relapse and may cause people to return to maladaptive coping behaviors. Preparing for independent sobriety involves finding a secure, safe, comfortable, and nurturing space to heal and live. Some people may choose to take advantage of supportive living communities outside their homes after completing treatment. The additional structure makes it easier for them to stay on track with recovery goals. 

Potential Relapse Triggers

Part of preparing for the future involves accepting the possibility of relapse and finding ways to manage triggers successfully. Lifestyle changes are essential to long-term recovery. According to the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), "Specific areas of change often include increasing self-awareness, self-care, and life balance; ensuring adequate nutrition, exercise, and sleep; developing healthy relationships with others and self, and a recovery support network; improving coping and communication skills; addressing any existing physical or mental health issues; learning how to manage cravings; and learning relapse prevention skills." 

Some of the most common relapse triggers include: 

  • Relationship problems 
  • Chronic stress at home, school, or in the workplace 
  • Persistent symptoms of co-occurring mental health disorders 
  • People, places, or activities related to past substance abuse 

According to the previously mentioned article by the VA, "Research indicates that approximately 60% of individuals with substance dependence eventually enter sustained recovery; however, for many of them, it takes more than one cycle of lapse[,] relapse[,] treatment reentry before achieving sustained recovery."

Creating a Blueprint to Address Potential Challenges in Aftercare

Every person faces unique challenges during continuing care. No two people have the exact same triggers, needs, or goals during treatment and aftercare. Personalized care planning ensures clients feel prepared to face unexpected situations and stressors after they complete treatment. 

Creating a blueprint for success involves collaborating closely with the care team, relying on support systems, and actively participating in all aspects of treatment. People prepare for long-term recovery by taking back control of their lives, holding themselves accountable, and taking steps to make necessary changes. 

How Does West Coast Recovery Centers Facilitate Creating a Blueprint for Recovery?

The clinical team at West Coast Recovery Centers has decades of combined experience assisting clients and their loved ones in establishing and maintaining long-term sobriety. Clients are taught how to develop essential social and coping skills and directed through the process of learning to regulate emotions and stress responses. 

Rehabilitation programs at West Coast Recovery Centers use the following treatments and services to help clients heal from substance abuse: 

  • Individual and group therapy
  • Peer support 
  • Self-help groups 
  • Case management 
  • Personalized care planning and aftercare services 
  • Alternative and complementary holistic therapies

Clients are guided through the process of preparing for long-term sobriety under the care and support of a dedicated care team.  

Creating a blueprint for sobriety involves anticipating potential issues and planning to manage them effectively using the tools learned in treatment. Personalized care plans, case management, a strong support system, and continuing care all play a role in helping clients establish a healthy foundation for a sober future. Family dynamics and the home environment impact how confident people feel about continuing their recovery after transitioning out of treatment. West Coast Recovery Centers helps clients prepare for long-term recovery by offering family therapy and support services. In addition, the care team collaborates closely with clients and their loved ones to ensure they have a safe and nurturing home environment. To learn more about our programs, call us at (760) 492-6509 

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