Finding Fulfillment in Recovery
West Coast Recovery Centers offers a myriad of programs, excellent staff, and a community that will support clients through their treatment and recovery process. However, one specific metric for any recovery program is the level of finding fulfillment individuals have during the process.
What to Expect From Treatment
When people enter a treatment program, they are met with various milestones. These exist throughout the process and will be different for each person. Consider the possible stages of treatment:
- Detox
- Inpatient
- Outpatient
- Post-treatment care
Each of these stages comes with set goals, and it is important for people to complete one stage before moving on to the next. This is true at whatever points the individual enters the process.
How One Goes About Finding Fulfillment
For those going through treatment, it may have been quite a long time since they have felt true fulfillment. There are many reasons this could be true, including:
- Lack of self-love
- Inability to complete projects
- Dulled senses/lethargy
Other reasons can be added to this list, but these three are often at the top. People who have not found fulfillment may have simply given up on the idea. For them, their lives may feel meaningless, and they go about their days feeling unfulfilled.
The way to find fulfillment is to regain the ability to find what it means to actually reach one's goals. These do not have to be lofty, unachievable goals. One of the best ways to find fulfillment in recovery is to take each moment on its own. To allow oneself the pleasure of finally feeling safe and the accomplishment of doing something right for oneself.
When Will I Feel Fulfillment?
The question must arise at some point during recovery about when a person will finally feel fulfilled. This is both difficult and interesting to think about. For a person to feel truly fulfilled, they need to believe in their own accomplishments. If they are unable to find that belief, fulfillment never appears. It is never a lost cause to try, but it can make it far more difficult should a person hinge everything on the need for fulfillment.
All people want to feel happiness and satisfaction. These are the two main tenants of fulfillment. However, they mean different things to different people. Within recovery, a person may have a day of programming and go home tired. Yet they wake up the next morning and feel better than they ever have before. Their mind is clear, the weather is lovely, and for the first time in a long time, they do not feel a dark cloud over their head or heart. This is a form of fulfillment. It is the goal of recovery programs to assist clients in finding these moments in the hope that they will arrive with more frequency and be recognized for what they are.
Does Fulfillment Mean Success?
People often rest their feelings of fulfillment on whatever it is they consider success. This can be dangerous. When a person is in recovery and cannot meet certain milestones, they may feel discouraged and unsuccessful. However, if they are taking part in a program and attempting to better themselves, these milestone successes can always be achieved. They just may take more time and effort. This does not mean the individual should feel unfulfilled.
Waking up sober can be a successful act. Getting to treatment each day is a successful act. However, making them the cornerstones of fulfillment is not helpful. That being said, people naturally find a sense of fulfillment when they are successful. It feels good to succeed. However, it is not the success itself that is fulfilling, but the feelings one allows themselves to have in relation to that success.
How Does West Coast Recovery Centers Help in Finding Fulfillment?
At West Coast Recovery Centers, clients have goals they wish to achieve and are given the means to achieve them. This means that clients must view their time in multiple ways, including:
- Participation in daily activities
- Adherence to the program
- Interactions with staff/fellow clients
- Translating concepts to outside life
- Ability to accept failures and recognize successes
These different metrics all work together to help clients find their true selves. When all of these factors are brought together, clients will see the effort they have been putting forward. This knowledge should allow them access to the parts of their minds that address feelings of fulfillment.
West Coast Recovery Centers wants to help our clients with their substance abuse, trauma, and everything else that has led them to the point of requiring an outpatient program. Many people entering the program deal with feelings of inadequacy or feeling unfulfilled. They may have turned to substances to silence these negative emotions. Our program exists to put people back in touch with the best parts of themselves and, eventually, begin feeling a sense of fulfillment.
Treatment is not simply a means to an end. In fact, people who go through treatment must feel a sense of fulfillment in the process. When this happens, they will be able to look back at the process with a sense of completion. Much like an empty vessel that has been filled to the brim with satisfying knowledge. West Coast Recovery Centers provides clients with an environment of education, joy, and consistent focus. This means that clients leave the program knowing that they have been through a singular experience that has changed their entire mode of thinking. To learn more about West Coast Recovery Centers and our programs, call (760) 492-6509.
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