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Stress and trauma are risk factors for substance use disorder (SUD). Many individuals with a history of chronic stress and trauma develop addictive behaviors and other mental health disorders. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), “Experiencing abuse or neglect, separation from or loss of a parent or companion, being a victim of violence or bullying, going to war, or experiencing racism or discrimination, among many other events and circumstances, can cause changes in the brain that make a person more sensitive to future events, even daily life stress.” Some people misuse substances to cope with chronic stress. West Coast Recovery Centers uses somatic experiencing (SE) to help clients heal and move forward in their recovery journey. 

What Is Somatic Experiencing?

Somatic experiencing is a modality used to treat chronic stress or unmanaged trauma. Therapists utilize a body-oriented approach to address the underlying issues impacting mental health. According to the European Journal of Psychopharmacology, “[T]he primary goal of SE is to modify the trauma-related stress response.” Clinicians do this by focusing on “internal sensations, both visceral (interoception) and musculoskeletal (proprioception and kinaesthesis), rather than to primarily cognitive or emotional experiences.” Clients may reprocess the trauma in multiple ways to address physiological responses.   

West Coast Recovery Centers uses comprehensive assessments and screening tools to determine if clients may benefit from somatic experiencing or other therapeutic modalities. Somatic experiencing involves the following: 

  • Body awareness 
  • Processing the release of stored trauma 
  • Tracking physical sensations 
  • Releasing energy associated with trauma 
  • Grounding and relaxation techniques 
  • Completing defensive responses interrupted by the trauma 
  • Strengthening the mind-body connection 
  • Promoting empowerment 

Some therapy sessions may involve light physical touch to ground and support clients as they reprocess trauma using various techniques. 

How Does Somatic Experiencing Help People Heal From Trauma and Chronic Stress?

Individuals with SUD often have co-occurring mental health issues caused by chronic stress or trauma. The effects of untreated stress and trauma impact how people think, feel, and behave. In addition, mental and physical stress profoundly impacts how the body processes everyday experiences. Somatic experiencing helps clients regulate their body’s responses to trauma and stress. 

According to Frontiers in Neuroscience, “Somatic Experiencing (SE) is a resiliency-focused trauma treatment modality designed to address autonomic nervous system (ANS) dysregulation and its impacted physical health and mental health symptoms e.g., anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, migraines, fibromyalgia, and chronic fatigue, etc.” Psychotherapy, somatic experiencing, and other treatments help clients heal using practical techniques. 

Somatic experiencing helps clients in treatment by doing the following: 

  • Restoring a sense of control 
  • Improving overall mental wellness 
  • Facilitating cathartic emotional release 
  • Building a sense of safety 
  • Helping the body complete instinctual responses to stress
  • Improving self-awareness 
  • Increasing resilience
  • Reducing chronic physical symptoms related to stress and trauma 
  • Resetting the nervous system

Everyone reacts differently to somatic experiencing techniques. Some individuals may find therapy sessions cathartic. Other people may only notice slight changes to their thoughts, feelings, or behaviors. The care team at West Coast Recovery Centers collaborates closely with clients to ensure they have access to treatment services that fit their needs. Clinicians provide clients with information about each therapeutic modality to ensure they make educated decisions about their care. 

Developing Healthier Coping Methods

How people cope with stress and trauma impacts all areas of their lives, including their relationships and ability to function. Some of the techniques people learn through somatic experiencing include: 

  • Breathing exercises to relax the body and focus the mind 
  • Grounding exercises to ensure thoughts and sensations are anchored in the present 
  • Movement exercises to strengthen the mind-body connection 
  • Mindfulness exercises to increase self-awareness and acceptance 

West Coast Recovery Centers uses an integrative approach to treatment and trauma-informed care to ensure clients feel safe and comfortable during therapy sessions. Clients are encouraged to use the techniques they learn during therapy to build resilience and develop practical coping skills for managing stress. 

Improving the Mind-Body Connection Using Somatic Experiencing

Individuals diagnosed with substance use disorder often feel disconnected from their bodies and may struggle to connect uncomfortable external and internal sensations with specific triggers. Therapy sessions help clients improve their mind-body connection. During somatic experiencing, clinicians help clients identify physical sensations and emotional reactions while processing past events in a safe and structured environment. Somatic experiencing teaches clients new ways to cope with and manage trauma or chronic stress. 

Clinicians provide a detailed breakdown of what to expect from each session to ensure clients understand how the techniques will help them heal and move forward in their recovery. The care team tailors therapy sessions to the specific needs of each client. Every session is unique and focuses on a particular stressor or underlying trauma. Clinicians adapt the exercises used to meet the specific needs of each person participating in treatment. West Coast Recovery Centers prioritizes individualized care to ensure the best possible outcomes.

Somatic experiencing helps clients in recovery heal by allowing them to process trauma responses. The exercises and principles of SE guide clients through releasing any lingering effects of past trauma or chronic stress by connecting physical sensations within the body to incomplete trauma responses. Clinicians provide clients with the tools and skills they need to manage the effects of trauma. Clients may use grounding techniques, bilateral stimulation, or other therapeutic exercises to address the physical sensations and emotions brought up during treatment sessions. Experts at West Coast Recovery Centers use somatic experiencing to help clients heal and better understand their reactions to trauma or stress triggers. To learn more about our programs and trauma treatments, call us at (760) 492-6509.