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Westchester Tech Conference Focuses on Co-Occurring Diagnosis Solutions in Lower Hudson Valley

local natural addiction recovery heroin opioidsThe Lower Hudson Valley is a collection of communities with many pleasant factors in common. They feature sprawling natural vistas, a diverse culture, and friendly people?people who, as a rule, are proud of their local heritage. They also have at least one shared trait which is far less positive; in fact, it?s deeply disturbing. Communities within the Lower Hudson Valley are losing dozens of people every year to addiction-related overdoses on heroin and other opioids. This figure is significantly above the national average, relative to the overall population of the region.

The people of the Lower Hudson aren?t taking this situation lying down. At the recent Westchester Health Tech conference, solutions to the ever-expanding opioid addiction problem were headlining topics of discussion. Among the subjects on the table was the need for an increased focus on co-occurring disorders. Untreated co-occurring disorders comprise one of the leading causes of substance abuse and addiction relapse, as co-occurring mental illness may often inform and enable an addict?s continuing use.

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