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Nowadays, there’s a wide variety of treatment programs available to people struggling with addiction. Having so many options is great. However, it makes selecting the right program more challenging. The best way to decide which program best fits your needs is to evaluate where you’re at now with an addiction treatment professional and determine where you want to be. Other factors can better determine if intensive outpatient treatment is right for you, including the severity and type of addiction you struggle with, as well as the presence of any co-occurring disorders. 

West Coast Recovery Centers helps clients free themselves from active addiction. Our outpatient treatment facility believes a transparent and individualized path to lasting, self-determined recovery is possible. What’s our role in this process, you may ask? Simple – to inspire and empower change through innovative methods of treatment. That includes traditional and non-traditional practices and modalities. Call or visit our website today to learn more and begin your recovery journey. 

What Determines the Best Treatment Program for You?

As mentioned, several factors determine the best addiction treatment program for you. Among some of those options, there are: 

  • Outpatient programs: Offer clients the flexibility of low to medium-intensity treatment while living at home and continuing their lives.
  • Intensive outpatient (IOP) and partial hospitalization programs (PHP): Offer greater structure and more intensive treatment, requiring more hours of attendance compared to traditional outpatient programs. However, clients can still live at home to care for children or fulfill additional day-to-day responsibilities. 
  • Residential rehabilitation: Provides treatment in a residential facility. These timeframes can range from a month to a year, and communicating with loved ones may be limited during timeframes. 
  • Inpatient treatment: This is the most intense treatment option. It usually takes place within a specialty unit at a hospital or medical facility. Inpatient treatment is typically for individuals with severe medical conditions, mental disorders, and behavioral health needs.  

Programs determination can also be considered based on the services you’re looking for, such as: 

  • Detox
  • Behavioral therapy 
  • Case management 
  • Holistic practice
  • Group therapy 

Your situation will determine the treatment program that makes more sense for you. So, let’s dive into intensive outpatient programs to determine if they’d make sense for you. 

What Is Intensive Outpatient Treatment?

An intensive outpatient treatment program (IOP) is a happy medium between outpatient and residential treatment. It’s more intense than traditional outpatient therapy but not as acute as residential rehabilitation. Of course, these programs vary from one facility to the next. However, some things or services to expect from a program such as this include: 

  • Individualized treatment planning 
  • Case management 
  • Crisis services 
  • Medication-assisted treatment (MAT)
  • Peer support and group counseling
  • Co-occurring disorder treatment 
  • Substance abuse psychoeducation 
  • Vocational and educational services 
  • Family services and resources 
  • Alcohol and drug monitoring 
  • Individual counseling 

Many expect to find many of these services with intensive outpatient treatment. Not everyone will require all the services listed above, but that’s the beauty of addiction treatment. It’s most effective when individualized to each client. 

If you’re looking for any number of these services for your addiction treatment, intensive outpatient treatment may be the right fit for you. However, it’s prudent to consider some of the benefits before deciding. 

How Is an Intensive Outpatient Treatment Program Beneficial to Addiction Recovery?

Like anything, there are many benefits to each type of addiction treatment program. It simply depends on your specific needs. To find the appropriate level of care, speak with your primary care physician, mental health provider, or addiction treatment specialist. Doing so will help you make a safe, informed decision. With that in mind, let’s consider some of the benefits of intensive outpatient care. 

One of the most significant benefits of intensive outpatient care is its flexibility. Being able to seek professional treatment while continuing to live at home is invaluable for many. It reduces the added stress of needing to take leave from work, find childcare, or pause further education. Intense outpatient treatment can even be more effective when a person has a strong support system to come home to. 

Another benefit is that it allows people to build a strong support system. Group support and counseling are integral to the intensive outpatient treatment process. During this time, clients can bond with each other and create long-lasting friendships that serve to mentor and support sobriety. 

Intensive outpatient care also offers comprehensive and individualized treatment plans and many resources to help post-treatment. It’s also usually more cost-effective for many. Factors such as these are equally essential when discerning which program to begin. 

Consider an Intensive Outpatient Program Today!

Again, there is a time and a place for each and every type of addiction treatment program available to people nowadays. The key is finding what works best for you and your situation and meets your treatment needs. If you’re new to considering addiction treatment, please don’t hesitate to discuss options with your doctor or mental health provider. Furthermore, we encourage you to reach out and learn more about our addiction treatment services at West Coast Recovery Centers today! 

For decades, addiction and mental health treatment programs were extremely rigid. Professionals once thought treatment was one-size-fits-all, but we now know that’s untrue. Treatment is most effective when it’s individualized to each client and even more effective when clients feel empowered while on their addiction treatment journey. Knowing which program is most effective is difficult with the number of options available nowadays. However, the most effective treatment program will fit your situation and meet your needs. Intensive outpatient treatment has many benefits, including flexibility, chances to build peer support, and access to several post-treatment resources. Call West Coast Recovery Centers at (760) 492-6509 to learn more and begin an outpatient program today!