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How to Get My Child Help for Drug Addiction?

How to Get My Child Help for Drug Addiction?

Early exposure to drugs at a young age has become increasingly common. The increase has caused more and more young folks to develop substance use disorder (SUD). Watching anyone go through drug addiction is hard. However, when it's your own child, it can quickly feel...

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Why Is My Teenager Abusing Drugs and Alcohol?

Why Is My Teenager Abusing Drugs and Alcohol?

Teen addiction is a growing concern in America. Teenagers and young adults have an increased risk of abusing drugs, alcohol, or prescription medications. According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), in 2021, “753,000 adolescents ages 12...

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What Are the Warning Signs of AUD?

What Are the Warning Signs of AUD?

Alcoholism, or alcohol use disorder (AUD), impacts millions of people every day. However, society is so accepting of alcohol consumption that recognizing a problem can be tough. In many cases, people may not even realize they're struggling with AUD. How AUD influences...

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How Do I Know if My Sibling Has a Drinking Problem?

How Do I Know if My Sibling Has a Drinking Problem?

Siblings share a unique bond. You may recognize the warning signs of behavioral or health issues before your sibling notices a problem. Family members, including siblings, often play an essential role in identifying and intervening on behalf of loved ones with alcohol...

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Are Some Dangerous Substances Worse Than Others?

Are Some Dangerous Substances Worse Than Others?

Most substances that can cause chemical dependency are harmful. Whether they're used once or on a long-term basis, they have the potential to cause lasting effects on one's mental and physical health. The amount of different substances out there is broad, however....

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