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Could Having a Pet Help My Recovery?

Could Having a Pet Help My Recovery?

Pets can have a positive effect on your mental and physical health during your recovery. They have been used in therapy and treatment centers for substance use disorders. Animals can be calming, promote positive social behaviors, improve heart health, and lower blood...
Recognizing Alcohol Use Disorder

Recognizing Alcohol Use Disorder

Drinking alcohol is a pastime in many cultures around the world. It can be easy to fall into dangerous drinking habits when it is used in excess. Being mindful of alcohol consumption, triggers, and behaviors can help you manage your alcohol intake. Additionally,...
How Do I Talk to My Teen About Substance Use?

How Do I Talk to My Teen About Substance Use?

While there is no specific cause of substance use disorders (SUDs), there are factors that could put a person at risk. One of these factors is being a teen. Many people who develop substance use disorders started using as teens. According to the Centers for Disease...
Understanding Underage Drinking

Understanding Underage Drinking

Navigating underage drinking takes trust and teamwork between teens and their parents. As parents learn to trust their teens’ ability to manage themselves, it can be helpful to establish strong boundaries and guidelines around alcohol. When you work with your...
Can Stress Make Me More Vulnerable to Addiction?

Can Stress Make Me More Vulnerable to Addiction?

Stress is a part of life that everyone must deal with. While it certainly isn’t pleasant, the presence of stress is often necessary in our daily lives. Stress motivates us to achieve our goals or take steps to eliminate the stressor. However, too much stress can...