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How Can I Naturally Reduce Anxiety?

How Can I Naturally Reduce Anxiety?

Anxiety disorders are some of the most common conditions experienced by individuals nowadays. While many take medication and attend therapy as part of their treatment, other people are interested in learning holistic and natural ways to reduce their anxiety levels....
Do Anxiety Disorders Increase the Risk of Relapse?

Do Anxiety Disorders Increase the Risk of Relapse?

Many individuals diagnosed with substance use disorder (SUD) have co-occurring anxiety-related mental health issues. Some people worry their additional anxiety symptoms may increase the risk of relapse during early recovery. However, personalized treatment programs...
Could My Anxiety Disorder Make Me Prone to Addiction?

Could My Anxiety Disorder Make Me Prone to Addiction?

Studies have shown that nearly 20% of adults in the United States have experienced an anxiety disorder in their lifetime. Additionally, research indicates that anxiety disorders and substance use disorders (SUDs) co-occur at a higher rate than is likely due to chance...
Offsetting Future Anxiety in Addiction Recovery

Offsetting Future Anxiety in Addiction Recovery

The term “future anxiety” refers to stress about the future. While having some anxiety about the future can be motivating and positive, too much of it can be problematic. Future anxiety can be linked to over-planning and the need for control. Likewise, it is a...
Are Stress and Anxiety Disorders the Same Condition?

Are Stress and Anxiety Disorders the Same Condition?

Stress is a short-term response to an external threat. Anxiety disorders are long-term and are in response to an unidentifiable trigger. These conditions are closely related and can show up with similar symptoms. Applying healthy coping techniques can help you improve...