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Avoiding Unhealthy Eating Habits During Recovery

Avoiding Unhealthy Eating Habits During Recovery

Chronic substance abuse often affects a person’s relationship with food. Malnutrition, undereating, and overeating are common side effects of various substances. Likewise, during treatment and early recovery, many people have unhealthy eating habits. According...
Identifying and Breaking Negative Habits

Identifying and Breaking Negative Habits

Habits are repetitive actions that are not necessarily consciously engaged. In Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience, it is noted that habit formation is a multi-pronged process that happens in several areas of the brain. Since habits can become passive, it is possible...
The Power of Self-Care

The Power of Self-Care

Self-care means performing actions that take care of your physical and mental health. It starts when you get up in the morning. Do you stretch? Do you lay in bed for a while, allowing yourself to adjust to being awake? Do you brush your teeth as soon as you get up?...