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Do Attachment Styles Have Anything to Do With SUD?

Do Attachment Styles Have Anything to Do With SUD?

A person’s attachment styles can sometimes impact their relationships, mental health, and other areas of life, but what about addiction? Does a person’s attachment style have anything to do with their struggle with substance use disorder (SUD)? Do...
Are BPD and SUD Connected?

Are BPD and SUD Connected?

As many know, people who struggle with substance use disorder (SUD) often also struggle with other mental health conditions. For instance, it’s certainly not uncommon for someone with SUD to experience co-occurring anxiety and depression. Unfortunately, others...
What Is the Connection Between SUD and PTSD?

What Is the Connection Between SUD and PTSD?

Many who develop post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) use substances to cope with their symptoms. Unfortunately, this often leads to the development of substance use disorder (SUD) and requires treatment for both conditions. As is, addiction treatment is most...