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What to Do When You Are Losing Hope

What to Do When You Are Losing Hope

With global events, particularly since COVID-19 hit, mental health has been challenging to manage for a significantly larger portion of the population. Hope has become a scarcity rather than something to enjoy in abundance. When this touches you personally for any...
Breaking the Cycle of Addiction in Your Family

Breaking the Cycle of Addiction in Your Family

Addiction is a family disease. When one person experiences a substance use disorder or addiction, all other family members will likely experience the consequences of the condition at some point. Although they may not experience addiction themselves, there are several...
What Is the Red Road Curriculum?

What Is the Red Road Curriculum?

Effective recovery from mental health disorders, substance use, or addiction must teach the importance of having values. Values are fundamental core beliefs that guide our individual behavior and help us identify what is important in our lives. In recovery, values...
Addressing the Drug Overdose Epidemic

Addressing the Drug Overdose Epidemic

In November of 2021, reports from the CDC were released addressing yet another epidemic in the United States. The CDC’s National Center for Health Statistics data indicated that the 12-month period from April of 2020 to April of 2021 significantly outnumbered...
Should I Tell My Children About My Past Addiction?

Should I Tell My Children About My Past Addiction?

Being a parent in recovery poses many unique challenges. For starters, you have experienced the consequences of substance use first-hand and will likely do anything in your power to keep your children away from experiencing those consequences...