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What Is Empowered Communication?

What Is Empowered Communication?

Empowered communication involves skills and approaches that facilitate the flow of ideas and the growth of social connections. It allows individuals to feel understood, respected, and wanted in the conversation. Some never learn healthy patterns of communication,...
Setting Boundaries With Family 101

Setting Boundaries With Family 101

Your family members are typically individuals who care for you and love you no matter what. Due to this unconditional love, they do all they can to help you along your recovery journey. While this is admirable and appreciated, sometimes it is not the most helpful for...
Can I Learn to Cope With Anger?

Can I Learn to Cope With Anger?

Some people abuse substances to numb the anger they feel towards themselves, someone else, or an experience they had that causes them pain. This article will discuss ways to monitor and manage anger issues to avoid relapse and improve quality of life. What Causes...
What Are 5 Reasons People Forgo Addiction Treatment?

What Are 5 Reasons People Forgo Addiction Treatment?

There are many reasons a person will be resistant to seeking treatment for a substance use disorder (SUD). This article will highlight five common reasons and explain how to help them get treatment. Why They Might Reject the Idea of Treatment When you are really sick,...