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What Are the Dangers of Using Alcohol and Marijuana?

What Are the Dangers of Using Alcohol and Marijuana?

It’s not uncommon for people to mix substances, even though doing so can be extremely dangerous. One of the most common polysubstance use combinations people engage in is alcohol and marijuana. Yet, doing so can be risky. When used separately, both alcohol and...
Are Some Dangerous Substances Worse Than Others?

Are Some Dangerous Substances Worse Than Others?

Most substances that can cause chemical dependency are harmful. Whether they’re used once or on a long-term basis, they have the potential to cause lasting effects on one’s mental and physical health. The amount of different substances out there is broad,...
Can I Learn to Cope With Anger?

Can I Learn to Cope With Anger?

Some people abuse substances to numb the anger they feel towards themselves, someone else, or an experience they had that causes them pain. This article will discuss ways to monitor and manage anger issues to avoid relapse and improve quality of life. What Causes...