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Do I Have to Cut off Friends Who Abuse Substances?

Do I Have to Cut off Friends Who Abuse Substances?

Many people in treatment for substance use disorder (SUD) have friends who actively abuse alcohol or drugs. Avoiding locations or people related to substance abuse promotes abstinence and reduces the risk of relapse. According to Substance Use and Misuse, “Research...
Are Some Dangerous Substances Worse Than Others?

Are Some Dangerous Substances Worse Than Others?

Most substances that can cause chemical dependency are harmful. Whether they’re used once or on a long-term basis, they have the potential to cause lasting effects on one’s mental and physical health. The amount of different substances out there is broad,...
Are West Coast Teens More Likely to Misuse Substances?

Are West Coast Teens More Likely to Misuse Substances?

West Coast teens could be more at risk for developing substance use disorder (SUD). It’s no secret that young adults are more likely to engage in risky behaviors than any other demographic. Substance misuse, especially with prescription medications and illicit drugs,...
Could Trauma Have Caused Me to Learn Helplessness?

Could Trauma Have Caused Me to Learn Helplessness?

Living with the belief that you cannot change the course of your life can feel like an oppressive weight on your chest that is paralyzing action. Such feelings of powerlessness can be so overwhelming that you simply resign all efforts to influence outcomes. You might...
Defining What It Means to Be Sober

Defining What It Means to Be Sober

The term sober means different things to different people. For some, it means simply not drinking alcohol. Others use the term to state that they refrain from using all substances. Still, others consider themselves sober but still smoke cigarettes, regularly using...