by John Sharpe | Nov 12, 2022 | Blog
There are a number of medications we hear about through a variety of sources, such as news broadcasts, TV advertisements, TikTok videos, and social media posts regarding addiction recovery. Each has their own merits and uses, but which works best? The answer depends...
by John Sharpe | Jun 13, 2022 | Blog
Alongside other opioids, fentanyl has become notorious for its role in the opioid crisis in America. Thousands of people die each year from drug overdose, often as a result of using other drugs they didn’t know were laced with fentanyl. This drug also packs a...
by westcoastrc | Oct 12, 2017 | Blog, In the News, In-Depth
Heroin, Other Opioid Overdoses Reach Epidemic Proportions Within the United States Our country?s opioid epidemic is taking a rising toll?so much so, in fact, that it is having a measurable effect on the average life expectancy of American citizens. This fact further...