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Working the Twelve Steps and MAT: Facts and Fiction

Working the Twelve Steps and MAT: Facts and Fiction

Medication-assisted treatment (MAT) may be controversial among some 12-Step recovery cultures, but the reality is that both are powerful tools. The idea that the two conflict is an ideological, non-scientific opinion that has morphed into myth. MAT is not at odds with...
How Can Breathwork Help My Recovery?

How Can Breathwork Help My Recovery?

Struggling with substance use disorder (SUD) can be stressful and scary for everyone involved. It’s important to find healthy ways to cope with stress during your recovery time. Some popular stress relief methods include yoga, exercise, breathwork, and...
Finding Work After Addiction Treatment

Finding Work After Addiction Treatment

Navigating life after treatment is challenging for everyone. In treatment, you learned to prioritize your recovery and your health. Outside of treatment, you still have to keep both of these things at high priority, although now you have greater responsibility to gain...